Shukra Graha Shanti Jaap: Venus, also known as Shukra Graha, is the son of Rishi Bhrigu and is in charge of ensuring excellent alignment and all material comforts. The main attributes of this Graha are romance, beauty, love, elegance, etc. Shukra dosh in the horoscope causes loss of riches, marital issues, and a decrease in physical attractiveness.
Invoking Shukra Devaru and reciting mantras for Shukra Devaru in accordance with the Shastras and Vidhi appeases the Graha during Shukra Graha Jaap.
When Is Shukra Graha Jaap to Be Performed?
Fridays are the best day to use Shukra Graha Jaap.
May also arrange the Jaap date based on an individual’s Janma Nakshatra.
Advantages of Shukra Graha Jaap:
By carrying out this Jaap, one can assist oneself in achieving stability, financial prosperity, and general material progress.
It improves happiness, love, and harmonious family dynamics.
Shukra’s negative effects are neutralized by this jaap.
Shukra Vaidik Mantra
ऊँ अन्नात् परिस्त्रु रसं ब्रह्मणा व्यपिबत् क्षत्रं पयः सोमं प्रजापतिः।
ऋतेन सत्यमिनिद्रयं विपानं शुक्रमन्धस इन्द्रस्येन्द्रियमिदं पयोमृतं मधु॥
Om annāt paristru rasaṁ brahmaṇā vyapibat kṣatraṁ payaḥ somaṁ prajāpatiḥ|
ṛtena satyaminidrayaṁ vipānaṁ śukramandhasa indrasyendriyamidaṁ payomṛtaṁ madhu||
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