Birthday Puja

Puja for Birthdays A person’s birthday commemorates their arrival into the world. It is considered sacred to perform a Pooja on this auspicious day. Hindu families do the birthday Pooja, especially for young children.



One completes this Pooja on their birthday.

Worshipped include Lord Ganesh, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, and Navgraha.

Along with this Pooja, a havan and Griha Shanti Pooja are also conducted.

It is appropriate to ask the gods and elders for blessings on this day.

GUARANTEE: Skilled pandits for this Pooja.


Pooja is performed in accordance with Hindu customs.

Pooja Samagri is authentic and pure to the core.

We extend our support throughout the Pooja.


All inclusive
Puja Will Be Performed Within 24 hrs


We build custom poojas and provide many custom options based on your desires to make your pooja unique and special to you.

Puja Will Be Performed Within 24 hrs

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